[cvsnt] cvs ignoring .dll files

Chuck Kirschman Chuck.Kirschman at Nosp_am.bentley.com
Thu Aug 3 20:30:09 BST 2006

It would be great if they were just ignored during an import.  If I do 
"cvs -nq update" in a directory with a few stray DLLs (not in CVS) in 
it, they don't appear with the ? as would say a .txt file that is not 
under CVS control.  Instead they are quietly ignored.  If I use the -I! 
(thanks David) it's much closer to what I want, so I'll just add that to 
my .cvsrc for update.

 >cvs -nq up
M FileSystemBrowser.cpp

 > cvs -nq up -I!
? FileSystemBrowser.AxSHDocVw.dll
? FileSystemBrowser.SHDocVw.dll
? FileSystemBrowser.Shell32.dll
M FileSystemBrowser.cpp

Thanks for the help

Tony Hoyle wrote:
> Chuck Kirschman wrote:
>> I've noticed that newer versions of cvsNT ignore .dll, .exe, etc. 
>> files when doing a "cvs -nq up" or similar.  I have to assume this is 
>> a bow to Microsoft's practice of putting the output into the source 
>> tree.  But 
> cvs doesn't ignore anything during updates.  If you add a dll file then 
> it uses it.
> By default it ignores them during import (and a whole lot of other file 
> types) as they are compiler output and most people don't store those - 
> but there's nothing to stop you adding and using them if you want, or 
> changing the defaults.
> Tony

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