[cvsnt] ascii/binary property

patrick goovaerts patrick at pgoovaerts.be
Sat Aug 5 11:50:59 BST 2006

"Gabriel Genellina" <gagsl-cvsnt at yahoo.com.ar> schreef in bericht 
news:mailman.70.1154725312.2445.cvsnt at cvsnt.org...
> At Friday 4/8/2006 15:45, patrick goovaerts wrote:
>>Can anyone explain in 'clear' words why one should change the ascii/binary
>>property of files after adding files to CVS?
> *after* adding, because you set it wrongly in the first place.
??? what do you mean here ???
When I create a new project in WDSCi (using Eclipse), there is no such 
setting displayed at file level.  When I move the project to CVS, it 
automatically shows this settings.  I think they are added by Eclipse 
automatically whenever a project is 'shared' using CVS.

>>Currently we have the following attributes:
>>images: binary
>>javasource: ASCII -kkv
>>other resources (own textdocs used in app): binary
> If the docs are plain text (not MS Word or PDF or such), try to use ASCII 
> instead. Binary files are not mergeable.
> Gabriel Genellina
> Softlab SRL
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