[cvsnt] Securing pserver on CVSNT: tunneling with ssh

Damien Moore damien.moore at excite.com
Wed Aug 9 04:18:26 BST 2006

Thanks for the respose Arthur

Lets suppose I want to use sserver (this was my preferred route)

I had troubles using the ext protocol:
1. Is there anything I need to do on the server side to get it working? (The one things i did do was generate a key and point cvsnt sserver plugin to it.)
2. do i also need to set CVS_EXT and CVSROOT on the client?

netbeans ver 5.0 only allows pserver, ext, fork and local. If I specify ext in netbeans, I can use the internal shell and specify password + proxy settings (are the proxy settings relevant? I assumed not); otherwise I can select an external shell, but presumably i need a command line shell that handles private keys etc to set this up. I don't know whether SServer would be compatible with either of these - is there such a thing as a shell for sserver??

is there a user friendly explanation of what the sserver protocol actually is anywhere?

(my questions will probably reveal my scant knowledge of cvs and networking)


 --- On Tue 08/08, Arthur Barrett < arthur.barrett at march-hare.com > wrote:
From: Arthur Barrett [mailto: arthur.barrett at march-hare.com]
To: damien.moore at excite.com, cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2006 11:45:54 +1000
Subject: RE: [cvsnt] Securing pserver on CVSNT: tunneling with ssh

Damien,<br><br>Further to my last message:<br><br>> offers the simplicity of continuing to <br>> use pserver on the client side (which <br>> is most compatible with IDEs such as <br>> netbeans and eclipse) <br><br>It is possible for netbeans and eclipse to use sspi or sserver by using<br>the ext protocol.  The eBook "All About CVS" has instructions for<br>eclipse that would probably work for netbeans too, or you can search the<br>mailinglist arcives.<br><br>Regards,<br><br><br>Arthur Barrett<br><br><br>

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