[cvsnt] How to turn off the kb option on a file (turn back into text)

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-cvsnt at yahoo.com.ar
Tue Aug 22 19:10:48 BST 2006

At Tuesday 22/8/2006 13:34, Nick Duane wrote:

>After checking in a .reg file I noticed it was treated as binary.  I can
>modify CVSROOT\cvswrappers to include *.reg files (I think, can you specify
>them as text by *.reg -k 't').  But how do I update the .reg files I've
>already checked in to be interpreted as text?
>It looks like you can do:
>update -kb <file> to treat <file> as binary.  But I don't see how you would
>go the other way having the server treat a file as text when it originally
>was told it was binary.

cvs update -kt filename
cvs commit -f -m "Comment" filename

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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