[cvsnt] Repository corruption

Flávio Etrusco flavio.etrusco at gmail.com
Mon Aug 28 22:01:03 BST 2006

On 8/28/06, Sebastian Wangnick <sebastian.home at wangnick.de> wrote:
> Dear CVSNT folks,
> for some small-scale Python and Webpage development environment for
> the company of my wife I'm using TortoiseCVS (1.8.11, CVSNT 2.0.58d)
> on a Windows XP system with a local CVSROOT.

I hope for "small-scale" you mean you alone, otherwise you definately
shouldn't be using :local:.

> Just now I recognised that for quite a number of files (10 out of 500) the repository seems to be corrupted. When comparing the files against their initial version I'm getting:
>         In C:\Temp\TCVca23.tmp: "C:\Programme\TortoiseCVS\cvs.exe" "-q" "checkout" "-r" "1.1" "-d" "temp" "Foo/word.py"
>         CVSROOT=:local:C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Dokumente\Cvsroot
>         cvs checkout: Dropping data: pos>vec->text.nlines
>         cvs [checkout aborted]: invalid change text in C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Dokumente\Cvsroot/Foo/word.py,v
>         Fehler, CVS-Vorgang fehlgeschlagen
> I have been using older versions of TortoiseCVS in the past. However, one of the corrupt files was checked in 2005.06.29, and at that time I had installed 1.8.11/2.0.58d already.
> This issue occurs with Word documents, GIF files and in one case also with a Python source file (which *could* have been modified from ASCII to UTF-8 format at a certain stage).

Do you mean it "occurs" (i.e. it's reproducible) or it "simply" occurred?
Why did it take so much time for you to detect the problem (2 months???)?

> Is this a known issue?
I don't think so. I don't remember anything like that reported on this list.

> Is it corrected in later versions?
I would sure hope so.
I'm certain there are "heaviers" cvsnt users than my employer out
there, and we've only had two episodes of repository file corruption
(only one file each)  in more than two years (starting with 2.0.51d or
.58d...), with about two hundred users, tens of projects, thousands
files of all kind and size (well, usually not beyond 10MB, except some
crazy guys that were storing 40MB-sized .pdb files in there :-/ ),
etc, and even those corruptions could be clearly associated with some
external cause since the server was running continually overloaded.

> Obviously this issue puts into question the reliability of CVSNT on Windows.

Well, if you can rule out every and all other possible causes
(anti-virus, power failure, HD failure, OS crash or failure, etc)
then, yes, this would be a quite worrysome. I agree with the others in
that being it such an ancient version this isn't exactly a
showstopper. I disagree in that it's a stable release nonetheless and
any bug involving repository corruption is extremelly serious.
However, in my experience all of the other possibilities I've cited
are far more plausible than a cvsnt bug.


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