[cvsnt] Re: Migrating to new hardware

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Sun Feb 5 14:52:57 GMT 2006

On Sun, 5 Feb 2006 15:00:54 +0100, "Marcel Stör"
<marcel at frightanic.com> wrote:

>>> - can we expect to gain a performance boost if using a server with
>>> multiple CPUs?
>> I think I remember that Tony has stated that CVSNT does not benefit
>> for dual processors. OTOH I have a test server with a dual core
>> Pentium processor, which mostly appears as a dual CPU. It works well
>...which means that we might give it a shot.
>> even though I have no clue to how one can determine "performance"...
>Well, I look at it pragmatically: would a dual-CPU based CVSNT server be
>able to process more requests/operations than the same system with a single
>CPU? Your answer suggest "yes, it would".

Well, that is not really what I said. I just stated that in my PC
CVSNT works well with a dualcore Pentium. But I have no clue as to its
ability to divide the load between the cores, maybe it is just using
one core processor and the other does other tasks as controlled by
Windows? As I said I don't know...

>>> - are there any traps we should be aware of if we move the CVS
>>> directory from the old server (i.e. disk/file system) to the new one?
>> If the new server is going to run the same operating system (W2000
>> Server for example) I see no problem at all. You can even put the new
>> server into DNS under the same name as the old one and the users won't
>> notice a difference.
>We would either go from W2K Server to W2K Server or - if possible??? - to
>W2300 Server.

I have successfully installed CVSNT on various systems ranging from
NT4 up to Windows 2003 Enterprise server. On the W2003 there are some
security issues that have to be handled since W2003 is rather locked
down. But it is described in my tutorial.

>> For installing/configuring CVSNT on Win 2003 Server:
>> http://web.telia.com/~u86216177/InstallCVSNT25.html
>> For enabling CVSNT Auditing:
>> http://web.telia.com/~u86216177/CVSNTAuditing.html

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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