[cvsnt] Restriction top-level module creation

Mark Johnson amarkjohnson at gmail.com
Wed Feb 15 20:39:49 GMT 2006

I'm running CVSNT 2.5.02 (Servlan) Build 2064 on Redhat linux.  I am
also using acl's to control access permissions.  There is one thing I
cannot figure out though, how can I restrict the creation of new,
top-level modules.   Since there is no "CVS" directory at the top
level, I cannot use an acl.  The group permissions, on the repository
directory, are set to sticky, so that group permissions and ownership
will persist as new items are created.   The group perms are "rwx".  I
have not tried changing the repository directory permission to "r_x",
then setting each module directory...as it is created to "rwx",
possibly this is the answer.

Is there a cvs setting to control this?



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