[cvsnt] Re: Restriction top-level module creation

Gerhard Fiedler lists at connectionbrazil.com
Fri Feb 17 20:32:27 GMT 2006

Mark Johnson wrote:

>> Besides the rchacl, there's also the config file keyword AclMode
>> <http://www.cvsnt.org/manual/html/config.html>. I'm not sure how this
>> relates to this question, but I would assume that if set to "normal" by
>> default only admins can create top level modules. (Other users would have
>> to be granted explicitly permissions through rchacl.)
> I am also interested in the answer to this question.  I have
> AclMode=compat.  I assume setting it to normal would also accomplish
> what I am trying to do, but would at the same time have other effects.
> As I read it, as long as a default acl is always found, then AclMode
> (compat vs. normal) makes not difference.  On the other hand, when no
> default acl is found, then the AclMode kicks in, and either grants
> access (compat) or denies access (normal) by default.  Is this correct?

This is how I read it, and this is consistent with my limited experience
with it. That's why I think that in normal mode, only admins can create top
level modules (unless there are specific permissions set in the top level
for this).


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