[cvsnt] Missing Default trigger library

Richard Boatfield r.boatfield at SPAMsstl.co.uk
Mon Jul 10 10:20:04 BST 2006


I upgraded our install of CVSNT to 2.5.03 build 2382 over the weekend (which 
went reasonably successfully), but noticed that we now receive an error 
message about 'default trigger library' when performing certain operations 
in WinCVS (such as Check out or Commit).

Transcript of operations:
cvs -d :pserver:rboatfield at energia:/isteam login

Logging in to :pserver:rboatfield at energia:2401:/isteam

***** CVS exited normally with code 0 *****

cvs checkout -P Test (in directory G:\Sandbox)

cvs server: Couldn't open default trigger library: No such file or directory

cvs server: Updating Test

cvs server: Updating Test/Test

***** CVS exited normally with code 0 *****

The error doesn't appear to affect the operations but I would like to 
eliminate it.

When I checked the install I noticed that there was no default_trigger.dll 
file present in the CVSNT folder or any of the sub-folders.

When I compared this to a test install of CVSNT (2.5.03 build 2151) I noted 
that a) there is default_trigger.dll file present in the CVSNT file and b) 
we don't get the error message.

How do I go about properly registering the dll so that we no longer receive 
the error message?

I've googled the message but haven't found anything particularly useful.

As an aside I did perform the installation twice as the first time the 
installer failed to install the protocol dlls for some reason.

Cheers, Richard

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