[cvsnt] cvsnt and advisory locks

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Wed Jul 12 12:59:02 BST 2006

> I'm using cvsnt (open source) server on Ntserver
> , and cvs 1.12.10 in client side (Unix).

CVS 1.12.10 is not a stable release.

I suggest you upgrade to CVSNT 2.5.03 on unix.

> The version of cvsnt I'm using does not 
> support "enforced advisory locks" wich is 
> a feature supported on cvs client/server 
> starting from the release 1.12.10. This 
> feature prevents a user to edit a source 
> code wich is already being edited by another 
> user (unless -f option is specified in the 
> "edit" command).

CVSNT calls these cooperative edits, you define it when you add a file
with "cvs add -k+c" or you can update existing files with "cvs update
-k+c" then "cvs commit -f".

CVSNT also support exclusive locks which cannot be overrridded (except
by an administrative user.  Exclusive locks are enabled just like
cooperative locks but with -k+x.

All these lock defaults can be managed server side in the cvswrappers

It's all explained in the manual:

Or in the book:


Arthur Barrett

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