[cvsnt] Commit hanging

Randy McCharles RandyMcCharles at smarttech.com
Fri Jul 28 00:36:11 BST 2006

I have implemented the CVS - Fogbugz integration scripts found on: http://www.fogcreek.com/FogBugz/docs/50/Articles/SourceControl/CVSIntegrationScripts.html

Things work fairly well, but I found that when multiple files are committed, the cvs process hangs. It appears to hang just after the 2nd or 3rd file in the list is updated in the repository. Files remaining to be updated are locked by the lock service until the process is manually killed (which I do by restarting cvs & the lock service). 

I set up a project to repeat this error, which it did, and was able to make my test project work reliably by adding the //B flag to the script call in loginfo.

ALL cscript.exe "D:/"$CVSROOT/CVSROOT/logBugData.vbs //B "%{sVv}"

However, I am still seeing frequent commit hangs on other projects (larger ones than my test project).

I am wondering if there is something different about CVSNT 2.0.51c where calling a script from loginfo is not robust. Has anyone seen a problem like this?

Randy McCharles

SMART Technologies Inc.

Senior Software Developer

Tel. 403.802.3347  Fax 403.229.2531
randymccharles at smarttech.com

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