[cvsnt] build 2354 info falling over on Linux

David Somers dsomers at omz13.com
Mon Jun 5 23:47:14 BST 2006


Info is falling over on my Linux server (and I think this started to happen
a few releases back so its not something new with 2354).

00:26:33:   -> From remote: Version: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT)
2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2354

00:26:33:   -> From remote: ServerName: caslon

00:26:33:   -> From remote: Protocol: pserver

00:26:33:   -> From remote: Format = Returning protocol :%s:

00:26:33:   -> From remote: Argument 1 is null

00:26:33:   -> From remote: cvs: cvs_string.cpp:157: bool
cvs::str_prescan(const char*, char*): Assertion `s' failed.

00:26:33:   -> From remote: cvs [server aborted]: received abort signal

00:26:33:   -> From remote: error

Any ideas where to start looking?

Greets from Lux,


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