[cvsnt] Re: Merge point graph under Linux ?

Zlatko Arifhodzic zlatko at free.fr
Wed Jun 7 15:47:24 BST 2006


>I believe cvsgraph has some cvsnt support, but I don't know if 
>mergepoint arrows were implemented.
>CVSGraph does this and is included in the ViewCvs framework (that is
>it can be enabled for ViewCvs if installed).
>It *does* show the arrows based on the CVSNT data.
>But of course it is not a CVS client or a front end to a cvs client,
>it is justa viewer...
>I'm using ViewCVS as a web interface to my CVSNT repository, which has 
>cvsgraph (http://www.akhphd.au.dk/~bertho/cvsgraph/) integrated. Cvsgraph 
>produces very pretty diagrams of branches and commits, including mergepoint 
>arrows. I'm running it under Windows, but it all works under Linux too.

We're also using viewCvs with cvsgraph :)

We run a debian server with the latest stable packages : viewCVS  0.9.2
and cvsgraph 1.5.

The merge points are not presented in the graph :(. The graph is the
same as the one presented in cervisia or lincvs for instance.

Maybe there is some specific option to activate in viewcvs in order to
support the cvsnt mergepoints ?  Any suggestions ?

Either I'm one of the very few people running a cvsnt server under
Linux, either I'm the only one having trouble with it :) .


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