[cvsnt] Forced revision problems

Scott sleyh at biomec.com
Thu Jun 15 14:34:58 BST 2006

I am having an issue forcing revisions with cvsnt 2.5.03.  I was able to 
force revison on a linux cvs server, but now that I have moved to cvsnt I 
get two errors when attempting to force revisions.  The command text and 
errors are:

cvs commit -m "no message" -r 2.0 filename

cvs server: nothing known about `2.0'

cvs server: nothing known about `--'

I am using wincvs as a front end and have attempted both the standard 
checkbox for forcing revisions and using the command line with the above 
command and get the same error.  If anyone knows how to get the forced 
revisions working I'd appreciate the information.

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