[cvsnt] Re: Help

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Mon Jun 19 19:41:08 BST 2006

On Mon, 19 Jun 2006 19:13:46 +0200, Elvira Lopez Rubio
<elvira_lopez at carrefour.com> wrote:

>Hi everybody!
>I have a problem with a CVS client in WASD 4.0
>I want to close a version of one proyect but it  begin to work and never
>answered......  Help me !!!!!
>It always happend with the same proyect, this proyect isn't the most heavy.
>I can't see nothing locked in the repository.

A completely unusable message. You have broken at least these posting

1) A nondescript message subject "Help"....

2) No reference to what kind of server you are working against

3) No description of what you were doing and what was expected to
happen and what happened instead.

4) over 50% of your message is a stupid disclaimer message in several

With such questions you are likely to get not a single reply...


(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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