[cvsnt] perl vs python

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Wed Jun 28 21:37:23 BST 2006


> Where do I find the 3GL interface?  

A small expansion on what Tony said:
* eBook
* source tree
* or you can e-mail support (as described in the ebook) and we can send
through a step by step guide to "generating" a template.

> This maybe a better question for customer support, 
> but I am not sure what our support options are so, 
> what are the rules with using the cvsnt
> open source server and the winCVS, open source 
> TortoiseCVS, or eclipse clients?  

Support requests are only answered for the versions of cvsnt/tortoisecvs
that we supply in the customer downloads area.  Each version of any
software has its share of bugs, a large part of what support gives you
is a tested combination of these tools, and support staff to contact
should something be "wrong", but of course you can also request features
and request assistance where the documentation is unclear.

Eclipse is "grey" territory, we semi-support it.  The eBook explains how
to connect CVSNT and Eclipse and our support will also answer questions
about that.  But actual bugs in Eclipse we don't supply fixes for.

> Also, can you direct me to where I can find the
> support options that go with each version of the 
> product?  The web-site is not very clear about 
> what options go with each product type.

I'm not really sure what you mean.  Submit a support request to the
e-mail address at the front of the ebook as I don't think this is on

CVS Suite provides e-mail support for 120 days and updates to one
version of the software, CVS Pro L2/L3 is the same but all updates for a
year and telephone support and training (additional cost), L4/L5 same as
L2/L3 but additional support for "multi site" including repository
replication, and L6/Enterprise support for companies with over 500 users
or operating in multiple regions.


Arthur Barrett

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