[cvsnt] Re: CVS system groups

Glen Starrett glen at starretthome.net
Wed Mar 8 16:59:02 GMT 2006

Albe wrote:
> At first the group was "CVS STAP Developers" and i thought it was an 
> issue with the spaces in the group name, but nothing changed. Then i 
> thought it might have been that this group is defined in the domain and 
> tried with a local group (my machine is a linux joined to the domain 
> that inherits all users and group via samba). Nothing changed too. In 
> the manual there's: "If SystemAuth is enabled CVSNT will automatically 
> add all the system groups for the user to the list
> of available groups. If you don’t require other groups then editing the 
> group file is unnecessary.".
> This doesn't seems to be the case.
> Again, am i doing something wrong?

I didn't realize that had been added to cvsnt, but it certainly sounds 
like you're doing everything right.  I have a utility that will 
enumerate the groups a user is a member of -- try running that and see 
if there's any issue with your domain / group information.

Where is your cvsnt server? On a domain controller, workstation, or 
member server?

This script is in VBScript, I alter it for debugging stuff.

Option explicit

Dim oUsr, sGroups, oGroup
Const UF_SCRIPT                    = &H0001
Const UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE            = &H0002
Const UF_HOMEDIR_REQUIRED          = &H0008
Const UF_LOCKOUT                   = &H0010
Const UF_PASSWD_NOTREQD            = &H0020
Const UF_PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE        = &H0040
Const UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT            = &H0200
Const UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD        = &H10000
Const UF_MNS_LOGON_ACCOUNT         = &H20000

'msgbox oUsr.FullName
'msgbox oUsr.UserFlags

sGroups = oUsr.FullName & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
For each oGroup in oUsr.Groups
	sGroups = sGroups & vbCrLf & oGroup.Name
MsgBox "Groups for: " & sGroups

'If oUsr.UserFlags And UF_LOCKOUT Then
'    oUsr.Put "UserFlags", oUsr.UserFlags Xor UF_LOCKOUT
'    oUsr.SetInfo
'End If

'msgbox oUsr.UserFlags

Glen Starrett

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