[cvsnt] CVSNT Wiki updates

Bo Berglund Bo.Berglund at system3r.se
Mon Mar 27 17:11:21 BST 2006

Yes te original one is grossly out of date.
I have a newer one for CVSNT 2.5 and against Windows 2003 available:


The net stop/start thing has changed along the way. The service used to
be cvs and it is now cvsnt

net start cvsnt
net stop cvsnt

I don't know how to edit the Wiki either....  

Best regards,

Bo Berglund

-----Original Message-----
From: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org] On Behalf
Of Oliver Koltermann
Sent: den 27 mars 2006 17:11
To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: [cvsnt] CVSNT Wiki updates

Hello Tony,

I just tried to find the suggestions about backing up the repository
in the wiki, and noticed some errors on the way:

 * If I hit the wiki-page it leads me to the nearly useless page
   StartSeite according to my local language. Can this feature be
   switched off in the wiki as long as there are no localized versions
   available? Otherwise someone can easily oversee the small link
   "Beachten Sie auch die englische Startseite: FrontPage".

 * The link "Original installation tips" (, by Bo Berglund) is
   dead. And I have the feeling that Bo has stated this here some time
   ago, together with the hint that the wiki page InstallationTips is
   completely out of date.

 * Shouldn't it be "net stop cvs*nt*" / "net start cvs*nt*" on page

 * I remember a backup script using some kind of "sleep" command after
   the net stop to give active sessions time to be completed. This is
   not mentioned on the page above.

I don't want to start the discussion again, but a readonly wiki seems
somehow strange to me...

Best regards,
O. Koltermann
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