[cvsnt] How to allow the deleting of files from CVSRepository to only some particular users.

Krooshof, Frederik Frederik.Krooshof at raet.com
Fri Nov 3 08:27:32 GMT 2006

Hi Gayathri,

If you are the CVS administrator, you should be the only one that has access to the repository files!!
Users should only have 'edit' and 'add' access to source files through programs like CVSNT or WinCvs or CVS commands on the command line.
( Sorry, I don't know Eclipse )
The beautiful thing about CVS is that nobody ever has to delete a file from the CVS repository. The history of your source development can always be kept to your advantage. If a source file is no longer needed, simply 'remove' it by means of a CVS command. It won't show up in any sandpit anymore unless you collect it again by doing an update with an OLD revision number.

Typical a repository is located on a server. Only the administrator has direct access to the repository on the server.
Users use the repository from a cliënt machine using CVS commands. Users should not be able to delete files on the server!

If you feel a bit uncertain about this, please read the CVSNT manual.

Regards, Frederik Krooshof.

Software engineer
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-----Original Message-----
From: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org] On Behalf Of gayathri.aravind at tcs.com
Sent: vrijdag 3 november 2006 6:40
To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: [cvsnt] How to allow the deleting of files from CVSRepository to only some particular users.

I am new to CVS. I have installed CVSNT version 2.5.03 on Windows. I am using Eclipse to talk with the CVS repository. I have been able to get the configuration working. 
But I want to restrict deleting of files in such a way that  only a particular group of people should have the right to delete any file from a project in the CVS repository. But all the users should have rights to edit or add files and directories.
Can this be done in CVSNT? Please guide me regarding this.

Thanks & Regards,
Gayathri Aravind
Tata Consultancy Services
Mailto: gayathri.aravind at tcs.com
Website: http://www.tcs.com
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