[cvsnt] Release manager

Anders anders at dotweiser.com
Mon Nov 27 07:49:12 GMT 2006

Well since it was weekend i havnt read my mail and wasnt able to answer the

Anyhow, yes, I use cvs suite, and my appologies for posting the wrong place,
I just hoped that some of you would have some idea as of how to attack the
general concept of the transfer of files from the development server to the
production server.

Ive realized that the releasemanager cant be used in my situation for
various reasons, but im still keen to know how to solve my problem.

How do you people do this?

I mean I would want file versioning between the develop server and the prod
server as well,

In case I for instance have version 3 of my site running on the develop
server and version 2 on the production one, and I find an error in the
production one. Then I need to correct this error on version 2...

So any suggestions of how to do this is most welcomed, not saying cvs suite,
just in general, how do people do this?

Anders Bohlin

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org] På vegne af Bo
Sendt: 25. november 2006 08:13
Til: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Emne: Re: [cvsnt] Release manager

On Fri, 24 Nov 2006 17:13:40 -0200, Gerhard Fiedler
<lists at connectionbrazil.com> wrote:

>Bo Berglund wrote:
>> What is releasemanager and how does it relate to CVSNT????

Had no idea such a thing existed, but then again I have been on the
opensource side of cvsnt since 2001 and never even looked at the
MarchHare stuff...
>> Which manual????
>Probably http://march-hare.com/cvsnt/features/book/

Haven't got that one either...

Now I know.

And the OP should contact MarchHare support instead since he has
probablu bought the suite which comes with direct customer support.
This list/newsgroup is really for the opensource stuff.


(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)
cvsnt mailing list
cvsnt at cvsnt.org

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