[cvsnt] Migrating from local to remote/server repository

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-cvsnt at yahoo.com.ar
Tue Nov 28 01:03:49 GMT 2006

At Monday 27/11/2006 20:16, Jeff Douglass wrote:

>I have been using Tortoise with a local repository for a while and now want
>to install and run cvsnt on a server and just use Tortoise as the remote
>client. Is there a way to install cvsnt on the server, copy the existing
>local repository over to the server, and have cvsnt use this repository?

Yes, exactly what you said.
Make sure you have no pending changes on your working copy - commit all.
Install CVSNT on the server. Init a repository and make sure you can 
connect from the client. Copy all the repository files from your 
previous local repo to the server *excluding* the CVSROOT directory. 
You're done on the server now.
Back on the client, checkout the CVSROOT module from the server 
-using the new cvsroot- and also from your local repository; compare 
and apply any customizations you might have done (scripts, etc) (if 
any - you can omit this step if you didn't modify anything there). 
Commit, and that's all.
You should be able now to checkout a new working copy using 
TortoiseCVS and the new cvsroot.
When you see that all is OK, delete your old working folders and the 
old repository, just to avoid confusion.

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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