[cvsnt] Updating CVS Server

David Somers dsomers at omz13.com
Wed Sep 20 16:41:03 BST 2006

Bryan Leber wrote:

> Hey all thanks for the advice. Yes we do nightly backups.

Playing devil's advocate here: and have you checked that you can do a
restore from those into a clean system and things still work?

> I have to keep 
> asking these questions to get a full understanding to be able to put it
> in writing to the manager so that we can upgrade to a better version.

You have a PHB?

> So 
> our backups create a copy of all the modules within our
> Repository(CVSRepo). So if for some reason we had to re create the
> repository, all we would have to do is create the CVSRepo folder again
> and then just drop in the module folders off the backup? 


And also ensure that your server settings are restored too (e.g. /etc/cvsnt
on linux and the appropriate bits on the registry on Windows).

> Another 
> question is, that I was just looking at my test server files in the
> repository. I was looking at all the revisions. What would a tag/branch
> look like in the repostiroy files? Or would it just look like all the
> other ones and just some internal thing in the revision that knows about
> the tag? Thanks for all the help:-)

You should really avoid looking into the files stored in the repository...
you might be tempted to fiddle with them, and that just leads to problems.
If you *really* want to know, they are in RCS format - details at

The general rule is that only cvs(nt) should write to those files... and
only a very few programs should be allowed to read from (e.g. ViewVC and
your backup system)

David Somers

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