[cvsnt] Branch creation takes a long time

Gerhard Fiedler lists at connectionbrazil.com
Fri Apr 6 18:15:31 BST 2007

Rick Martin wrote:

> Don't want to steal the OP thread, but what would you consider to be a LOT
> fo branches?
> I work for a manufactoring company and due to the software design we do an
> official release every two weeks to the factory floor. I'm creating a
> branch for each of these and then creating a tag if we need to release a
> bug fix on the build branch. This creates a fair number of branches and
> tags. Too many?

I'm not sure I understand your procedure correctly, but couldn't you tag
these official releases, and only branch this tag later if you actually
need to do some bug fixing? Assuming that fixing bugs in an official
release is the exception rather than the rule, this would cut down quite a
bit on the number of branches.


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