[cvsnt] Checkout the Modules structure only from repository to local machine.

Vedprakash Patel VedprakashP at synechron.com
Mon Aug 20 08:10:15 BST 2007

Hi All,

	I would like to get project structure from CVS repository to local
machine. For that initially I want only the module structure should come to
my machine i.e. the folder structure for the project created in repository.

e.g in repository the modules structure is
Here repository name is "cvsRepository" 
I would like to create the same empty module structure i.e.
"/projects/Project1/Projecttest1" in my local working directory (e.g.
c:\Localworkingdir\projects\Project1\Projecttest1). I do not want any files
to be checked out in local working directory.

It should like "import" command where we can create a same module structure
in repository as we have in local machine. If we specify -I* option in
import command then it will not add any files in repository from local
machine. It will only create empty module structure in repository.
The same process I want in reverse manner i.e. empty module structure to be
created in local machine from repository.

Any help would be valuable.

Thanks & Regards,

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