[cvsnt] Force single user mode ?

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Wed Aug 22 21:58:26 BST 2007


> What I would like to do, is make text based files behave in the same
> way as binary files in watched mode, that is to say that a user must
> request edit from the server, and only one user can edit at any one
> time.

That is what the "exclusive" mode is for.  Each file can be "unreserved"
or "reserved" (or a half way variant).  Set it as follows:

Cvs update -k+x file.ext
Cvs commit -f -m "change file  mode" file.ext

The "default mode" for new files can be set in cvswrappers.

> I know that this goes against the principle of cvs, however that is
> what we would like to do.

And that is one of the reasons CVSNT is not CVS, CVSNT supports many
additional features that CVS does not - including this one.


Arthur Barrett

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