[cvsnt] Can I apply the tag only to the modified files

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Sun Dec 2 23:10:13 GMT 2007


>   where only modified files get committed, in the similar way 
> is there any way I can just tag those modified and commited files?


CVSNT has many more functions than "old" cvs.  For instance 
Example 1) the 50 random files you committed will all have a single
"commit id" - if you need to do something with those 50 files you would
use the commit id - not a tag
Example 2) the 50 random files you committed can be merged without
having a tag, using the mergepoint instead.
Example 3) you could also commit using a bug number (cvs ci -B 123 -m
"message") and then the 50 files would also have that bug number
assigned (and this could be used also for merges)

The commit Id and Bug number (example 1 and 3) are also stored in the
audit for reporting purposes.



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