[cvsnt] Authorization to Admin to create/import a project.

Sachin Gowdar sachin.gowdar at gmail.com
Thu Dec 13 04:10:02 GMT 2007

Hi all,
Thanks for the reply arthur.
But my problem has not yet solved... the user who got write access they can
able import new project right. If you give only read access for the use
definitely he can't import any project. But if we do like that he can't able
to commit any file.
i will explain my problem

with the same example
there is Repository say REPOSITORY under that few project are there say
Project1,Project2,Project3. For this admin of CVS has given permission to
users ABC,DEF,GHI,XYZ all got write access.
So all four users can able to checkout any of these 3 projects and commit
those changed projects.

*now i want only XYZ should able to create a new Project say Project4*

i have tried these options

cvs chacl -u XYZ -a read,write,tag .

and in config file i changed ACLMode=none.

if we do like so we can't give any further access to any of the users.

But  the Users ABC,DEF,GHI already have the wirte access to the repository
say they can easily import any new project. I want this should not happen.
only XYZ should have the permission to import any new project. And
ABC,DEF,GHI should have read and wirte access but they should not import any
new project.

Can anybody help me out of this problem.

Sachin Gowdar

On Dec 12, 2007 12:52 PM, Arthur Barrett <arthur.barrett at march-hare.com>

> > and i changed ACLMode:none
> > but still the users who has write access in that repository
> > can able import
> > the new project.
> That is the correct behaviour that you have requsted ACLMode=none.  If
> you want to restrict users based on the ACL then maybe you should set
> ACLMode=normal?
> Ie:
> cvs co CVSROOT
> cvs edit config
> notepad config
> cvs ci -m "have now set ACLMode=normal" config
> Regards,
> Arthur

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