[cvsnt] Renaming multiple files - wildcard not supported?

Luigi D. Sandon cp at sandon.it
Fri Dec 14 16:41:07 GMT 2007

> No it doesn't.  AFAIK you can't wildcard rename on any system except DOS

Windows performs it pretty well too.

> There's no obvious behaviour that would make sense for such an

I can think of an obvious behaviour, do not change what matches the wildcard 
but change the "fixed" part, i.e:

rename foo* bar*

would change "foolish" in "barlish" and "foolproof" in "barproof"

> You could shell script it easily enough.. that's how I normally do that 
> kind of thing.

The windows shell is not a very friendly environment for scripting such a 
thing <g>. A good idea for a python macro in WinCVS, probably.

Thank you,

Luigi D. Sandon

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