[cvsnt] Cannot conect remotly

Daniel Wetzel daniel at keksbox.com
Thu Dec 20 12:30:30 GMT 2007

Of course there is a router, but it is mine (on the remote side). The
server is connected to the internet inside of an hosting center.

I also tried to access it from another server located in the same  
(at the same ISP). So there can't be any firewall between the hosts.  
checked the server system for several times and Windows' firewall is not
active (even the service is not running at all).

Thanks a lot, regards,

"Arthur Barrett" <arthur.barrett at march-hare.com> schrieb:
> Daniel,
>> I installed cvsnt 2.5.03 (2382) on a Windows Server 2003 system.  
>> After
>> creating a repository and an user I wanted to connect with my editor
>> (Zend). That aborted with an error message: Cannot connect. I
>> retried with
>> plain telnet - nothing happened.
> If 'telnet host 2401' then something is blocking access to port 2401.
> Is there a router or firewall between the remote server and your  
> client
> PC (I know you said there is no firewall ON the server - but this is a
> different question)?
> Regards,
> Arthur

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