[cvsnt] Can't get history on file

Matthew Rich mbrich2000 at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 8 22:29:56 GMT 2007

I'm using the following version of CVSNT :Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2382 (client/server)

When I try to get a history (cvs log) on a file I get the following error:

cvs server: warning: duplicate key `log' in version `' of RCS file `\SRC/root/Products/SelfServiceRetrieve/SSRServerSideProxy/MsiSSR/SelfService.cs,v'
cvs server:  warning: duplicate key `text' in version `' of RCS file `\SRC/root/Products/SelfServiceRetrieve/SSRServerSideProxy/MsiSSR/SelfService.cs,v'
cvs server:  warning: duplicate key `text' in version `' of RCS file `\SRC/root/Products/SelfServiceRetrieve/SSRServerSideProxy/MsiSSR/SelfService.cs,v'
cvs [server aborted]: Movable pointer not within rcs buffer - aborting

I change check out the veriosn of the file mentioned just fine as well as from the head or several othere branches.  I just can get a history for the file.

Is my archive corrupted?

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