[cvsnt] Recommended setup

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Tue Jan 16 00:05:38 GMT 2007

Morten Jøhnk,

> I would like to know, what kind of setup you would recommend. 

Tony and I (and other March Hare Software staff) don't really make recommendations on this list - requires too much involvement in your situation - generally we only have time to do that if the customer is paying for support.

Go through the options in the CVSNT server control panel (windows) or the /etc/cvsnt/PServer config file (linux/unix/mac) to see what options there are.

>  3) What protocols, setup etc. would you recommend?


And also see:

We always recommend that you use the latest stable version of CVSNT on client and server.  The latest stable version is always available for download from http://march-hare.com/cvspro/


Arthur Barrett

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