[cvsnt] Migrate repository from CVS (GNU) to CVSNT

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-cvsnt at yahoo.com.ar
Fri Jan 26 00:10:27 GMT 2007

At Thursday 25/1/2007 13:39, TJH wrote:

>When I tried that, all of the history was lost, as well as some of the
>required info in the modules folder.

(I presume you are talking about the history file, and not the full 
revision history of each file in the repository).
Did you do as people here advised?
After initialising the repository, you have to update the CVSROOT 
config files. This includes the modules and history files. So it 
appears you forgot to edit/copy these files.

>The "missing" files (when we try to compile) are actually files in the Attic
>folders.  When we checkout the files, we do not get the files in the Attic
>folders.  How can I get them as part of a checkout?

I don't understand this - files go to the Attic when deleted, so why 
do you need a deleted file?
(This is the CVS behavior; CVSNT doesn't use the Attic folder 
anymore, but shoud handle that without problem).

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 


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