[cvsnt] rename breakage

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Thu Jul 12 04:31:01 BST 2007


> The only error appears to be that cvs update -r branch does not handle
> renames.  I'm not sure it is worth fixing that...  The workaround is
> easy enough (use a separate sandbox).

Actually - I think you may have committed at the wrong level:

C:\cvs\test\sub5>cvs rename file3.txt file3_renamed.txt
cvs rename: Warning: rename is still experimental and may not behave as
you would expect 

C:\cvs\test\sub5>notepad file3_renamed.txt

C:\cvs\test\sub5>cvs commit -m "modified and renamed file3.txt to

This should have been:

C:\cvs\test\sub5>cd ..

C:\cvs\test>cvs commit -m "modified and renamed file3.txt to
file3_renamed.txt" sub5

Can you please try that and confirm the expected results are achieve
with cvs up -r branch1 then?


Arthur Barrett

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