[cvsnt] cvs export/checkout with tag

Slothouber F (Frans) (InTraffic) Frans.Slothouber at InTraffic.nl
Wed Mar 14 10:46:18 GMT 2007

Hoi Bo,

> Cannot confirm the erroneous export of files matching HEAD.
> Which CVSNT version are you using?
This is with
11:21:08:   -> Server version is CVSNT 2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2382
11:21:08:   -> Client version is CVSNT 2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2382

To give more specific information: 
I created two modules: mod1 and mod2. Both have a single file and a
directory in it.
mod1 was tagged with a tag Mod1Tag, mod2 was tagged with a tag Mod2Tag

In an empty directory I run:
  C:\pws\Sandbox3>cvs export -r Mod2Tag mod1

and get:

  cvsnt export: Updating mod1
  cvsnt export: Updating mod1/Test

The directory stays empty though.  So no files were checked out,
but also not error message was given about the tag.

With a:

  C:\pws\Sandbox3>cvs -t checkout -r Mod2Tag mod1

I get:

  11:24:20:   -> Tracelevel set to 1.  PID is 2180
  11:24:20:   -> Session ID is 88445f7cd5468c5
  11:24:20:   -> Session time is Wed Mar 14 10:24:20 2007
  11:24:20:   -> main loop with CVSROOT=:pserver:Foo.Bar at xxx.xx.xx:/cvs
  11:24:20:   -> Server codepage is UTF-8
  11:24:20:   -> Client codepage is CP1252
  11:24:20:   -> Server->Client codepage translation is active
  11:24:20:   -> Server version is CVSNT 2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2382
  11:24:20:   -> Client version is CVSNT 2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2382
  11:24:20:   -> Requesting server cvsignore
  11:24:20:   -> Requesting server cvswrappers
  11:24:20:   -> Requesting server cvsrc (read-cvsrc2)
  11:24:19: S -> run_trigger()
  11:24:19: S -> Call pre-loaded 'info.la'
  11:24:19: S -> precommand_proc()
  11:24:19: S -> do_module(mod1, Updating, , )
  11:24:19: S -> run_trigger()
  11:24:19: S -> Call pre-loaded 'info.la'
  11:24:19: S -> premodule_proc(mod1)
  11:24:19: S -> Checking admin file /data/cvs/cvsroot/CVSROOT/admin for
user Foo.Bar
  11:24:19: S -> Create_Admin (., mod1,
/data/cvs/cvsroot/Speeltuin/Frans/Mod1, Mo
  d2Tag, , 0, 0)
  11:24:20:   -> Create_Admin (mod1, mod1, /cvs/Speeltuin/Frans/Mod1, ,
, 0, 0)
  11:24:19: S -> run_trigger()
  11:24:19: S -> Call pre-loaded 'info.la'
  11:24:19: S -> template_proc(Speeltuin/Frans/Mod1)
  11:24:19: S -> get_template returned failure
  11:30:18: S -> run_trigger()
  11:30:18: S -> Call pre-loaded 'info.la'
  11:30:18: S -> run_trigger()
  11:30:18: S -> Call pre-loaded 'info.la'
  11:30:18: S -> template_proc(Speeltuin/Frans/Mod1)
  11:30:18: S -> get_template returned failure
  11:30:18: S -> unlink_file(./CVS/Entries.Static)
  11:30:20:   -> unlink_file(CVS/Entries.Static)
  cvsnt server: Updating mod1
  11:30:18: S -> Create_Admin (Test, mod1/Test,
  Mod1/Test, Mod2Tag, , 0, 0)
  11:30:20:   -> rename(CVS/Entries.Backup,CVS/Entries)
  11:30:20:   -> rename(CVS/Entries.Extra.Backup,CVS/Entries.Extra)
  11:30:20:   -> unlink_file(CVS/Entries.Log)
  11:30:20:   -> unlink_file(CVS/Entries.Extra.Log)
  11:30:20:   -> Create_Admin (mod1/Test, mod1/Test,
  t, , , 0, 0)
  11:30:18: S -> run_trigger()
  11:30:18: S -> Call pre-loaded 'info.la'
  11:30:18: S -> template_proc(Speeltuin/Frans/Mod1/Test)
  11:30:18: S -> get_template returned failure
  11:30:18: S -> unlink_file(Test/CVS/Entries.Static)
  11:30:20:   -> unlink_file(CVS/Entries.Static)
  cvsnt server: Updating mod1/Test
  11:30:18: S -> copy(CVS/Entries,CVS/Entries.Old)
  11:30:18: S -> unlink_file(CVS/Entries.Old)
  11:30:18: S -> rename(CVS/Entries.Backup,CVS/Entries)
  11:30:18: S -> copy(CVS/Entries.Extra,CVS/Entries.Extra.Old)
  11:30:18: S -> unlink_file(CVS/Entries.Extra.Old)
  11:30:18: S -> rename(CVS/Entries.Extra.Backup,CVS/Entries.Extra)
  11:30:18: S -> unlink_file(CVS/Entries.Log)
  11:30:18: S -> unlink_file(CVS/Entries.Extra.Log)
  11:30:18: S -> unlink_file_dir(Test)
  11:30:18: S -> copy(CVS/Entries,CVS/Entries.Old)
  11:30:18: S -> unlink_file(CVS/Entries.Old)
  11:30:18: S -> rename(CVS/Entries.Backup,CVS/Entries)
  11:30:18: S -> copy(CVS/Entries.Extra,CVS/Entries.Extra.Old)
  11:30:18: S -> unlink_file(CVS/Entries.Extra.Old)
  11:30:18: S -> rename(CVS/Entries.Extra.Backup,CVS/Entries.Extra)
  11:30:18: S -> unlink_file(CVS/Entries.Log)
  11:30:18: S -> unlink_file(CVS/Entries.Extra.Log)
  11:30:18: S -> copy(CVS/Entries,CVS/Entries.Old)
  11:30:18: S -> unlink_file(CVS/Entries.Old)
  11:30:18: S -> rename(CVS/Entries.Backup,CVS/Entries)
  11:30:18: S -> copy(CVS/Entries.Extra,CVS/Entries.Extra.Old)
  11:30:18: S -> unlink_file(CVS/Entries.Extra.Old)
  11:30:18: S -> rename(CVS/Entries.Extra.Backup,CVS/Entries.Extra)
  11:30:18: S -> unlink_file(CVS/Entries.Log)
  11:30:18: S -> unlink_file(CVS/Entries.Extra.Log)
  11:30:18: S -> run_trigger()
  11:30:18: S -> Call pre-loaded 'info.la'
  11:30:18: S -> postmodule_proc(mod1)
  11:30:18: S -> run_trigger()
  11:30:18: S -> Call pre-loaded 'info.la'
  11:30:18: S -> postcommand_proc()
  11:30:20:   -> rename(CVS/Entries.Backup,CVS/Entries)
  11:30:20:   -> rename(CVS/Entries.Extra.Backup,CVS/Entries.Extra)
  11:30:20:   -> unlink_file(CVS/Entries.Log)
  11:30:20:   -> unlink_file(CVS/Entries.Extra.Log)
  11:30:20:   -> rename(CVS/Entries.Backup,CVS/Entries)
  11:30:20:   -> rename(CVS/Entries.Extra.Backup,CVS/Entries.Extra)
  11:30:20:   -> unlink_file(CVS/Entries.Log)
  11:30:20:   -> unlink_file(CVS/Entries.Extra.Log)
  11:30:20:   -> unlink_file_dir(Test)
  11:30:20:   -> rename(CVS/Entries.Backup,CVS/Entries)
  11:30:20:   -> rename(CVS/Entries.Extra.Backup,CVS/Entries.Extra)
  11:30:20:   -> unlink_file(CVS/Entries.Log)
  11:30:20:   -> unlink_file(CVS/Entries.Extra.Log)
  cvs checkout: in directory .:
  cvs checkout: cannot open CVS/Entries for reading: No such file or
  11:30:20:   -> unlink_file_dir(mod1)

Which gives an error message, but not the one I expected :)

Have fun,


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