[cvsnt] E-Mail notification

Tony Hoyle tony.hoyle at march-hare.com
Thu May 10 17:21:28 BST 2007

Georgi.KALOJANOV at groupit.raiffeisen.at wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am trying to implement E-Mail notification for our CVS users. The main 
> idea is that different groups of user should get notifications on commit 
> on specific modules of the repository.
> For example: modelers on the 'specifications' modul and sw-developers on 
> 'model' module. 
> Here is what i did: 
>  1) added the file 'email_model_commit.txt' to \CVSROOT\checkoutlist
>  2) adapted \CVSROOT\commit_email 
> DEFAULT email_template_commit.txt
> %model% email_model_commit.txt
> 3) created the file 'email_model_commit.txt' - for test purposes same as 
> email_template_commit.txt

Have you enabled the module (depending on platform, either the pserver 
file or the control panel) and configured it to send via the correct 


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