[cvsnt] Cannot change permissions on temporary directory

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Thu Nov 1 00:18:47 GMT 2007


> head: 1.5
> branch:
> locks: strict
> access list:
> symbolic names:
> InterTAN:
> keyword substitution: kv
> total revisions: 7; selected revisions: 7
> description:
> ........

The mode is on the revision, it's labelled "permissions" eg: permissions

Very annoyingly I just discovered it doesn't appear in the rlog output
(I thought it did, but I just tested it and it doesn't).  So you'll need
to look in the RCS file itself for something like this:
date	2005.;	author Barrett Arthur;	state Exp;
next	;
deltatype	text;
kopt	kv;
permissions	666;
commitid	e9cc426f4ebc54c9;
filename	quasar_prod.asn;

A permission of 666 or 777 is ok, but anything that removes the write
bit for the owner is bad, eg: 001 or 060 - his is a unix style mode
octal "string":
    Owner group  world
    rwx   rwx    rwx
    421   421    421



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