[cvsnt] RE : Script execution problem

Gagne, Michael michael.gagne at cgi.com
Wed Feb 6 18:37:32 GMT 2008

Hi, sorry for the confusion about windows only, I was not aware that it run on other platforms.  I always had to deal with Microsoft at work.
CVSNT version : 
OS version : Microsoft Windows 2003 server SP1 standard edition.
CVSNT (cvsservice.exe and cvslock.exe) run as service under SYSTEM user.  
SYSTEM user has full right for my script (vbs) AND cmd.exe.
I did minimal modifications to the default installation : create my repository, activate the plugin "Activescript scripting extension".  Put my script.  Add this line to commitinfo : "ALL cscript.exe C:/PATH/checkCommitMessage.vbs %s" without quotes.  PATH contains no space and no special characters : only "A-Z", "a-z"  and "/" characters.
No other files like trigger or loginfo in CVSROOT has been modified.  They contains only #<Comment lines>.
I read all links and I found nothing to fix my problem.
Any idea ?
I really appreciate your effort trying to help me
Have a nice day


De: Arthur Barrett [mailto:arthur.barrett at march-hare.com]
Date: mar. 2008-02-05 19:00
À: Gagne, Michael; cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Objet : RE: [cvsnt] Script execution problem


> I'm using your product because I have only windows servers at
> work. 

CVSNT is a great solution on Linux, Unix, Mac too ;)

> I did a script to check for empty commit message. 

> "Script execution failed"

What is the actual contents of the trigger file (eg: precommit, loginfo
etc) and what is the server OS and what is the version of CVSNT on the

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