[cvsnt] Keeping only the last few versions in the repository

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Thu Feb 21 06:09:35 GMT 2008


> Basically I would like to automaticaly delete 
> old revisions.

Deleting old revisions is not recommended.

> >  I would like to keep only the last 5 versions in the CVS 
> repository. Could someone please point me to a right 
> direction. I was a CVS user but recently I had to do some maintenance.

Just keep all revisions instead.  There is an option to keep only 1
revision, but 5 is rather arbitrary.  The 'point' of an SCM system is to
keep the entire history.  This is not just me being pedantic - the fact
is that if you keep 5 then the change you really need to
see/backout/audit is the 6th one...

If you really want 5 revisions then look at Apple's 'time machine' or
some other 'backup' software.



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