[cvsnt] The saga continues......

Gordon Boast gordon.boast at myacc.net
Thu Jul 10 14:21:39 BST 2008

Chuck's analysis below was correct. I followed his recommendation
(update -k-x) which removed the read-only status from the so-marked
files. So far so good.
Now, I get the following error when I try to commit (W/TortoiseCVS) a
changed binary file:
In C:\Documents and
Settings\TSI\Desktop\TradeStationIndicators\TrackedELDs: "C:\Program 
Files\CVSNT\cvs.exe" commit -m "corresponds to source revision 1.9"

cvs server: user 'TSI' is not a valid editor of the file
cvs [server aborted]: correct above errors first!

Error, CVS operation failed

Please help! I have no idea how to correct this.


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2008 08:07:05 -0400
From: Chuck Kirschman <Chuck.Kirschman at Nosp_am.bentley.com>
Subject: Re: [cvsnt] Need help installing cvsnt.....
To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Message-ID: <g4vl86$437$1 at paris.nodomain.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Ah, yes, I'm guessing you hit the old -kx. You can verify it by doing
"cvs stat" on one of the files and seeing if it has the expansion
option x.
When you commit files with Tortoise for example it marks all your
files for exclusive write. It expects you to use "cvs edit". So you 
have a couple of choices. You can modify your workflow to use the "cvs

edit" command before modifying the file, or you can "cvs update -k-x" 
and then "cvs commit" to remove the exclusive write.
If that's not your problem, then it's likely "cvs watch off" to fix
Unlike "cvs watch add" which sends email to a specific user, "cvs 
watch on" just seems to make all the files read-only (again expecting 
"cvs edit"). I'm not exactly sure of the purpose for this feature, but

I know that turning it off doesn't remove watches but does make the 
files writable again.

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