[cvsnt] Betr.: Transfer a repository from CVSNT to CVS

Jan Keirse jan.keirse at tvh.be
Tue Jul 29 15:53:01 BST 2008

cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org schreef op 29/07/2008 16:41:29:

> Hi,
> Where I work, they want to transfer a repository (to preserve the 
> history of the projects) currently under a CVSNT server (Windows) to
> a CVS server (Unix). I often saw the sentence: 'CVS to CVSNT is a 
> one way street', but I want to do the reverse operation: 'CVSNT to 
> CVS', so I would like to know if someone has any advices for me.
> How can I transfer a repository from CVSNT to CVS?

Is there reason for not using CVSNT on unix (CVSNT runs on most important 
unix flavours.)

Kind Regards,

Software quality & Systems: Software Engineer

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