[cvsnt] Unable to commit

Peter Crowther Peter.Crowther at melandra.com
Mon Mar 10 17:07:34 GMT 2008

> From: Ryan
> I'm not familiar with this tool but I was able to locate it in the
> Windows Server 2003 Support Tools package.

Yes, that's the one.

> I ran it on the Domain
> Controller and everything passed.  I also installed the
> support tools on
> the CVS box and ran it. Again, everything passed.

OK.  And, just to check, you've just got the one domain controller?  If so, this definitely won't be the problem.

> I made sure to use the "/c" switch to ensure that all tests were run.
> Am I doing something wrong?

No, that sounds fine.

> Any other ideas?

I'm scratching my head - but I'm not a CVS guru, merely someone who knows a bit about Windows infrastructure!  I'll step aside and let the big guns have a go now ;-).

                - Peter

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