[cvsnt] CVSNT Setup on Debian

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Wed Oct 8 18:29:09 BST 2008


> (I resend because strangely it was not delivered, it seems) 

Patience is a virtue.

I see two identical posts from your on the newsgroup.  Please do not
post the same message multitple times.

> Please someone  could give some hint on how to configure the 
> server using the PServer file. 

The comments in the Pserver file should be sufficient - if not please
ask which setting in particular you need explained.

> Also I would understand if 
> there is some change in inetd.conf 

It's more-or-less identical to cvs, except you do not specify the
repository location in the inetd, you specify it instead in the PServer



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