[cvsnt] CVSNT Setup on Debian

Andreas Tscharner andy at vis.ethz.ch
Fri Oct 10 06:57:18 BST 2008

Fabio D'Alfonso wrote:

> Please someone  could give some hint on how to configure the server
> using the PServer file. Also I would understand if there is some
> change in inetd.conf (apart the path of repos)?

Copy the PServer.example to PServer and edit this file. It is fairly 
good documented. If you have specific questions, don't hesitate to ask 
them here!

Concerning the inetd.conf configuration: Please read the 
/usr/share/doc/README.Debian file. It is described there, how to set up 
the inetd.conf file to make CVSNT server work.

Best regards
Andreas Tscharner                                   <andy at vis.ethz.ch>
"Intruder on level one. All Aliens please proceed to level one."
                                       -- Call in "Alien: Resurrection"

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