[cvsnt] Binary files and updating import

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Sat Oct 18 10:49:22 BST 2008


> I'm experiencing the following misbehavior with CVSNT 2.5.03 (both
> client and server under Windows) while tracking third-party 
> sources[1].
> I've imported a first version of the source tree to the vendor branch
> using 'cvs import', using the -W option to specify which files are
> binary files. Later I updated the vendor branch with newer third-party
> versions of the source tree, again using 'cvs import' (as in [2]), but
> this time without the -W option, because no binary files were added,
> only existing ones updated. What happens though is that the updated
> versions of binary files are truncated at the first Ctrl-Z character
> (ASCII 26) in the repository.
> Is this a known issue? It seems to me that it qualifies as a bug.

It is in fact doing what you have told it to do - it is not a bug.

The binary files have changed because they are no longer binary, so now
need ot be imported as text.  This is probably different in CVS because
in CVS a file has the same file type for its entire life (or rather the
changes in file type that are permitted with 'cvs admin -k?' are not

Either use the -W options each time or set up CVSROOT/cvswrappers.


Arthur Barrett

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