[cvsnt] Switch to user failed due to configuration error

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Tue Sep 9 14:18:36 BST 2008


> Server version: 2.5.04 (Zen) Build 3125 (RC 8)
> OS Version: Windows 2003 5.2.3790 (Service Pack 2)

Hmm that's a bit wrong isn't it...

> CVS Temp directory: C:\cvsrepos\cvstemp
> Default domain: (no value)
> Force run as user:
> Temp dir readable by current user: Yes
> Repository0 readable by current user: Yes
> Temp dir writable by current user: Yes

OK - I'll need to run some more tests here then, it's looking like a

If you haven't heard back from me by Monday please ping me.

Meanwhile - can you use a 32 bit server?  The client on 64 bit has had
much more testing than the server (both the TortoiseCVS and CVSNT
developers use 64 bit XP as clients).



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