[cvsnt] Checkout Multiple TAG's - solved

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Sun Sep 14 22:32:10 BST 2008

Jandir Bezerra,

> When I signed for this mailing list I didn't know that only
> super-hiper-mega experts could make their questions... but that's ok.
> When I asked If it was possible to check-out multiple Tag's at once, I
> was acctualy expecting for an answer as simple as my question was, but
> not so simple like "Yes". Like you(Arthur) wrote. But that is also ok.

It sounds as though you have taken offence at my response, which I
apologise for.  

As for Glen's response - it was clearly labelled off-topic 'OT' and
therefore it would have been wise to accept it in the humorous spirit in
which it was sent.

Tha FAQ already explains how the newsgroup works:

My initial response was "yes" followed by a request from you for a more
detailed answer and my response on the 15th July was was:

> >> My answer was deliberately as brief as your question - and just
> >> as unhelpful.  
> >> 
> >> I can think of at least 10 different ways to interpret the 
> >> question"check-out multiple Tag's at once".  
> >> 
> >> If you explain what it is you are trying to achieve, with 
> >> some exampels and filenames and directory 
> >> names and a clearly worded example of what you want 
> >> the result to be then you'll probably get answers 
> >> that are more
> >> helpful.

This response is clear and one that you chose not to respond to at the
time, and now come back two months later complaining that you did not
receive the level of support you expected.  

If you choose to not explain clearly what you are looking for help with
then you are unlikely to get any useful help.  It is always the person
who receives your request that is the best judge as to whether that
request is clear.  Of course what many be unclear to one recipient may
be perfectly clear to another, however since I cannot see any other
responses to your question than mine (and Glen's OT one) I will assume
that you question was just as unclear to everyone else as it was to me
and that everyone was waiting for you to respond to my valid and honest
request for clarification.

> After all this is a list to help
> people like me and hundred of other people to solve their problems,
> not to make joke.

It is a place for people to contribute - this is not a no-charge help
desk.  Open source projects exist because people volunteer to
contribute, some by writing code, some by writing documentation some by
testing some by answering questions.

Version control systems like CVS, CVSNT, SVN and EVS are complex pieces
of software that can take a person years to learn all the commands and
options and how to use them to get useful results to particular
questions.  People who are adopting such software should expect that it
will take some investment, in time, in questions, in training and in
purchasing useful books.  The most common reason I see unanswered
questions on the newsgroup is that they are the sort of question
answered by books like 'Essential CVS' and indeed the CVSNT manual.  

> I wrote a program in VB.Net which search for all tags applied in
> objects from a specific folder and put it all in a list. Then you
> select one or more from this list, choose a destination folder, and
> then all the objects, which were taged by those that you selected, are
> automatically brought to this destination folder.

Great - please contribute it to cvsnt-dev under an appropriate license
(we prefer LGPL or similar).  

An explanation as to how this is any different to using existing tools
like TortoiseCVS and WinCVS which allow you to do the same thing (albeit
with a different API) would he useful.

If you did not know the answer to the question 'how to check out
multiple tags' then how have you solved it by writing a program?



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