[cvsnt] Betr.: Removing a file from CVS

Arthur Barrett arthur.barrett at march-hare.com
Thu Apr 23 23:02:45 BST 2009

> But i dont have permissions for upgrading 

Please contact the CVS newsgroup with your questions, CVSNT is Not CVS:

Switching version control systems is not something that should be done
without careful planning and clearly defined expectations to ensure that
there is a real benefit for the cost.

Many people find that after evaluating the effectiveness of their
current version control in their CM process compared with CVSNT that
there are real tangible measurable benefits to upgrading, whether it be
from failsafe audit, user-defined change sets, merge tracking, access
control lists, integrated enterprise authentication (sspi, pam etc),
commit id's (what svn calls atomic commits), rename,
multi-repositories/multi-site or from the wide number of CM
Methodoligies supported (reserved, distributed, centralised, unreserved)
or whether it be from the availability of commercial support and
training services.


Arthur Barrett

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