[cvsnt] CVSNT Auditing continued

Mike Kay mikekay at channelk.ca
Mon Apr 27 19:34:13 BST 2009

Greetings.  This is not strictly speaking a CVSNT problem, but kinda is.
I've installed auditing with no issues and have now found a SQLite
Explorer program that is working fine.  It's by Arke Systems. I can open
the database and see the tables, and I can check the integrity of the
database - it's fine.  But I am not a database guy, so I don't know how to
create SQL commands to extract the data I would like to look at. And that
data is pretty simple - When and who checked out or updated the repository
during a period of time. That's it.

So, if you have any hints, links or ideas about how best to get started
with this - it would be most appreciated.

Thank you.

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