[cvsnt] Bug report: update fails on XP for empty XXX and full xxxdirectories

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-cvsnt at yahoo.com.ar
Mon Dec 21 17:54:57 GMT 2009

En Mon, 21 Dec 2009 02:44:21 -0300, Arthur Barrett
<arthur.barrett at march-hare.com> escribió:

> Gabriel Genellina,
>> May I suggest using more "separate" version numbers?
>> For an outsider, 2.5.03 and 2.5.04 appear to be essentially the same
>> version, just with small bugs fixed. And a number like 2.6 means "new
>> features" not present in 2.5. At least that's what I would
>> expect without knowing the CVSNT history.
> This should be in the FAQ - we've followed this pattern years now...
> The version number is V.NN.XX.BBBB
> V    = major architecture changes
> NN   = significant architecture changes
> XX   = feature releases
> BBBB = bug fixes

But that's not the format used in the banner:

> cvs ver
Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2382

Most people would say the version number is 2.5.03, not

> Eg:
> 1.11 to 2.0
> major architecture changes, eg: ditching C for C++
> 2.x to 3.1
> major architecture changes, eg: ditching RCS for Relational DB.

Thanks; btw, last time I searched, I could not find a changelog for CVSNT,
is it available somewhere?

Gabriel Genellina

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