CVS Suite is the complete versioning solution for Linux with a native server including plugins for E-mail, Build Management and Bugzilla as well as a range of clients including Eclipse. Buy now for £85.

Advanced CVSNT Server
The advanced CVSNT server provides accurate and lightning-fast versioning of all the files on your Linux, Mac, Unix and Windows workstations. Linux can be set up as the server or you can connect to an existing server elsewhere on your network or over the internet. The advanced versioning provided by CVSNT allows the files you have to be worked on in co-operation with other users and other computers on the network, and for the changes that are made by each person to be tracked. Several people can even work on the same files at the same time. At a convenient point in time commit your changes to the server and if necessry merge in other peoples changes too.
CVSNT Server stores a copy of your files and documents and tracks all of the changes to it over time. Based on CVS which for fifteen years was the most popular versioning tool, CVSNT has added five years of development to build the best modern versioning solution. With 1.4 million downloads in the last year it's probably right for you too.

Plug In
Integrate CVSNT with your business processes quickly and easily using the supplied plugins for Build Management (make, ant etc), Defect Tracking (bugzilla) and Audit (to MySQL). These are not the simple shell scripts that other systems provide, but fully integrated run time loadable shared libraries that are configured right in the CVSNT server.
If you require additional integrations then you can write your own libraries or use the many scriptable triggers including pre-commit (commitinfo), postcommit, precommand, postcommand, premodule, postmodule, loginfo (commit messages) and taginfo (tagging).
Runs faster on Linux
Dont be fooled into thinking that CVSNT is not for Linux. CVSNT runs fastest on Linux and due to the extremely low system overheads in a Linux it is generally cheaper to set up a Linux based CVSNT system than on any other platform.
Linux is a fully fledged member of the CVSNT supported platforms including out of the box support for E-mail notification, Bugzilla integration and Auditing to a database (MySQL).

Work from Eclipse
Ecliipse and Websphere Application Developer are a range of robust, full-featured integrated development tools, most commonly used for Java development. CVSNT server has been certified compatible with Eclipse 3.1 and tested by March Hare Software with Eclipse Indigo giving users access to significant performance enhancements, J2SE5 support and more.

CVSNT servers and clients can connect to each other with a range of protocols including sserver, sspi, gserver, pserver and ssh. If you do not want a protocol such as the extremely unsecure pserver used on your server then simply disable it or remove the pserver protocol shared library entirely from the system. All CVSNT connectors can be disabled and removed if they are not wanted, reducing the footprint of CVSNT in memory and reducing the risks to your Linux system.

Bonjour: Networking, simplified
CVSNT Server and Clients include the Apple Bonjour (zeroconf) technology. CVSNT automatically broadcasts and discovers what repositories, protocols and authentication techniques each computer with CVSNT server is offering.